So this is life.
Date : Saturday, May 22, 2010
I can't imagine the last time I blogged was Apr 3 when May is ending soon!
Time flies when you're working, but at the same time, you dread work cos it kills most of your time.
One of the interns in my company asked me, "So what do you look forward to? Well, for me is definitely the end of my internship, but how about you?"
woah woah woahhh... really a good qns asked.
I look forward to Wednesday TEA time every Monday, and weekends after that.
I look forward to PH! :)
I look forward to Mt Kinabalu which is this coming thursday! (excites)
I look forward to...........
so much so much more, which I always remind myself so as to encourage myself everyday.
I fell ill twice in these 2 months, bad bad really bad. My colleagues all must be thinking I'm a skinny thin thin weakling who doesn't like to eat and always fall ill. SIGH. I feel so bad when I fell ill and can't make it for work. Cos' I miss out really a lot of stuffs that I have to do. But it is also a good thing cos it shows that I'm enjoying my work thats why I wouldn't like to take MC. :) One thing I doesn't like its like it make my face really cuiii cos sometimes I need to work late night or wake up at ungodly hours like 4am for events. So this explains my forever-tired face, sleepy panda eyes. I need MORE makeup to cover all these LOL.

This is a present from my kor kor's gf cos I just started work! :)

oh noms noms~ essential snacks to be put at my office table!
I need allllll these when I worked late in office. :)
I will try to blogged when I comes back from Mt Kinabalu. Show you all the pretty sunrise photos at the summit!
shy || 9:31 PM
Date : Saturday, April 03, 2010

I'm one of the blessed youth leaders who got this book from Andy! He got this bk from Casper and he felt that its really a great one and bought it for ALL of the youth leaders! we were all so shocked by his crazy act haha and yea, dont worry Andy, we'll make good use of it and make sure we read it inside out :) thank you cell leader!
first week of work was not bad, quite a good one. I've got not much things to do yet, unlike my other colleagues cos boss wasn't around and couldn't really decide where to put me. So I'm currently under a mentor, helping her to do her events, the planning and all. Execution will be next wk! Will definitely look forward to it cos I'll learn more when I'm doing it hands on and such and know what to expect, etc. Things will be getting more and more exciting (i hope so). Many ppl are concern abt my new job, (thank you guys :) and yea hope I will do well, hope this is one that I find joy working in.
shy || 2:43 PM
Have I mention it yet?
Date : Friday, March 26, 2010
I got a job! Finally after the 3rd interview I went, and it at the same building as my aunt's office at Tiong Bahru. So I'm gg back to the same place, will be eating the same thing for lunch hahaa. But what matters is, I got a job, I got a job! :D
It does really sucks when you graduate and the entire world is looking at you, asking, so how's your job hunt. Yes, I like everyone's concern but it's kind of sad everytime you tell the person, nope I'm still looking. :) will update again after I start work next monday!
That day after my interview, I met up with Stephie & Yixiu for k! Before that we had lunch at Far East and did some shopping. It had been a looooong time since I went k box hahaa, had a fun time with them! :)
shy || 8:54 PM
One best friend is better than ten acquaintances
Date : Saturday, March 13, 2010
Finally met up with Stephie and Yixiu yest at Vivo for dinner and some small chit chats! :)
It is always great meeting & catching up with, no I mean besties. Esp the 3 of us hasn't met up together for a few months, or maybe half a year. We've been busy with work, school and commitments. Thats why we treasure meet ups even more. Can't stop talking and laughing when we met til we part. love you girls!
I was organising my stuffs in my lappy, my music and photos and managed to pull myself to print all my treasured photos :D I printed more than 100+ of them! Mostly are my TW trip with my girls last yr, and many 21st bday I attended. So I saw a few photos that B took when we went out tog with PJ and Iwan last yr christmas. We wanted to go for a picnic but it seems too last min. We were really busy during christmas period so we had no energy to prepare food and we postponnnne. In the end, we went strolling on Orchard road, from Ion to Somerset 313 and we took some great photos! Cos B brought his DSLR out tt day after repairing. He was so happy abt it haha!

I love this! I was writing a love message for PJ on the christmas present I wanna give her. B took it w/o my realisation and it seemed great! :)
I'm so proud of the christmas presents! heh heh! I gave her a 2010 planner with my love message, and photos, chocolates and hand made cookies! even B doesn't has it. xp
over at somerset 313!
shy || 10:35 PM
Pampering ourselves for CNY!
Date : Wednesday, February 24, 2010
te post, but pretty photos! :D
Chyeyan and I wanted to go JB for our manicure and pedicure. But my mom strictly doesn't allow, she said its dangerous especially during CNY period. all the thefts, etc. We wanna go JB cos it's really cheaper, perhaps 30% to 50% cheaper! So in the end, we had to visit the local ones at Bugis. The one tt she always visit normally. So, we also jio-ed Karine along cos she end work at 3pm and can join us! :D
This was the first time I did with them, ok la, I don't really fancy doing manicure and pedicure outside cos its freaking ex and I rather do all that my own. Cos at the end of the day, no one bothers abt them except your girlfriends. that's why its all abt pampering yourself! :D
the minnie mouse pen and flower is from HK to karine!

and last but not least, our end products! :D mine looks simpler but I still like it! I can't do much patterns cos my nails are too small LOL.
shy || 12:29 PM
Flew from japan!
Date : Friday, February 05, 2010
these are the the great stuffs from japan! my bro came back like abt 1-2 wks ago from his LONG 16 days @ japan. He went many places! and made me so jealous. I WANNA GO JAPAN TOO!
these 2 stuffs' packaging are so nice and I cant help but to take down.
as usual, royce is just as great :)
and definitely, these are not all the food yet! :D
and these are the things my bro got for me. heh heh my bros nv fail to get me hello kitty stuffs from overseas! :D
and thats hello kitty lucky charm, isn't it cute?
also with a nice, very japan kind of design pouch with mirror. :)
shy || 11:23 PM
Those were the days..
Date : Thursday, January 28, 2010
2 weeks ago, I went to send py off at the airport tog with evelyn and cy. The night before I was so emo, influenced by py laa. xp so I went to log in to my friendster acct, yes you nv read wrongly, it IS my friendster acct. I was reading all the old post written more than 5 yrs ago, maybe in 03/04 by my sec school friends. I was laughhhhing all the way, but wait, this post I'm not gg to talk abt the old school days in secondary school, but in poly.
I was enjoying read all the 'testimonials' and read all the way to during poly life. gosh, seriously, I miss all my poly friends, all the times we were in school and such. So yea, below are the testi that they left for me and worth remembering.

haha I still remember sherman helped us to crop our faces on mario, mushroom and luigi. thats why yixiu went on saying abt saving the world! if I didnt remb wrongly, LAM stands for Leisure & Attractions Mgmt? yea, tons of reports/presentations to do tts why we used Marios to destress.
and yea, see how my best buddy treat me? ok la, I knew vin for 5 yrs? but he nv slap me before, jus tt he said it countless times. he nv do it :)

HAHAA, all of them couldn't stand yixiu's and my english. Esp hers xp. Cos sometimes she say some funny words or such and we always tease her. but there's once when we need to do ind. report, sherman read mine and he cannot stand it. he marked with red line, etc to correct me. When I open the doc, its just like I'm a p5 stud, just submitted my compo to mark by my teacher! LOL

hahaha i miss both of them VERY much during the period when they're away for shanghai overseas attachment. they were so sweet and send christmas cards to all of us! :D
the card is still with me! :)

our routine in the past: go k box after our last paper!
idk when did we started this but it was so cool can. now I miss singing with all of them! I think the peak period when I go k box was in poly. Now i go maybe once in 6 mths :(
and then, we told each other one day we wanna go overnight one and we did it! and I did it w/o slping in the room! xp
after tt we even went for mcdonald's breakfast at 6am :D
and of course, we never fail to encourage and help one another :)
tt day steph was so stress over the presentation (if i'm nt wrong) so I took over last min. hahaha i didnt think i did a great job but well, it is to help my best friend! :D
OK thank you sherman, only you call me that hahahahaaa though it sound gory.
yea and we nt only have fun tog but we vent out everything to each other :D

My poly yrs is colourless without you guys, love you all.
shy || 3:12 PM
Date : Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I had a great rest today!
- Pack some of my stuffs, categorised them.
- Went for a swim! finally. I wanted to go alone but was thinking I could spend some time with py so I texted her and ask if she's free. and yay we met up ard evening time for a swim. It was really great working out with friends.
- and, yes I finally upload all my photos and put them into my photobucket. hahaha when I see photos, I will always edit them and put into collage. thats why I need a lot of time to sort them out.
The lil packets of sweets are karine's door gifts for the guests.
The black bk with feathers is the final bk of the year. hahaha cos all of us, we made a photo bk for everyone's 21st. and she's the last one!
and, I love her bday cake, TOTALLY! its mad pretty!

with purple and silver as the theme. Chyeyan and I went to her house to help her do some stuffs, then went over earlier to blow the balloons. benji ek and jx helped us a lot as well!

we ate at Shokudou @ Heeren. Wanted to go Marche @ Somerset 313, but its super long queue. Every shopping centres at Orchard are crowded except Heeren. Thats why I suggested to go Shokudou. and yes, we didnt have to wait long for our food etc. The 3 dishes above are my fav! There's more but I didnt manage to take more photos.

Really miss all of them! Stephie and fang can't make it but really hope can meet up again, with full attendance before fang and xy returns to Aussie for their studies. Maybe CNY? heh heh let's meet up again!
shy || 10:44 PM
Date : Monday, January 04, 2010
December is a usual busy month for me. youth camp & take 1 took up most of my time. But as usual, I had fun! tell me what not to love abt the youths. :D
Leaving 2009, welcoming a new year. It's a new season for myself. Stepping into the working life and its really for life. hahaha I don't think I'm gg to study already, I guess getting a degree is enough for myself. So, I need to really carefully choose my job well, cos I'm gg to build up my career! sounds so exciting hahaha.
As for in church, the interns are now formally the youth leaders! :D ah actually this term sounds heavy but its for God's kingdom! yep, so wenda and I will lead a new cell grp, the other 2 lead by pj jp, (i think their cell name can be called pjp or jpj, xp) haha yah and last one is benjamin and iwan. I'm looking forward to this new cell. Hope this is a new created synergy and I'm so gg to put my heart and soul in this cell and the lovely youths :) this mth is gg to be a bonding mth so, look out for photos coming up!
yeah i had many many overdue photos, owe to my blog and fb. xp
photos to be uploaded:
- karine's bday
- youth camp
- christmas @ sharon's
- meetup with poly friends
i hope thats all. hahahaha
shy || 3:46 PM
Date : Thursday, December 10, 2009
yeah! loaded my zoo trip photos onto my photobucket and all my photos now look nice and tidy. photobucket is really good! its fast and a good tool for photo keeping and it allows minor adjustments like resizing and rotating. :)
thank God for a good day for our zoo trip. It was like a postponed bday celebration for B. He had always wanted to visit the zoo but I always claim its smelly so didnt wanna go. xp but that day I seem more excited than him. hahaa..
we woke up quite early and cabbed down fr my place. cos we realised that the buses only operates in the weekends and PH. so, we might as well cabbed down. its really quite near fr wdls.
and this is what sweetie chyeyan got me fr her BKK trip. she got us the same bags but in different colours. So I picked a pink one myself. and the doggie necklace. thank you sweet! I really love them :D
we got there really quite early! ard 9am+ and there are really a lot of tourists.
haahaa I was so afraid of the kangaroos and didnt wanna get near them. So I asked B to quickly snap a photo with it. Look at the morning sun! :D
haahaa the two of them are so cute. one is shivering at one corner and the other is itching away. and we took a video of both! lol
the penguins are such cuties! i think they're like sunbathing and its a big crowd of them.
seriously, this polar bear is really huge. and we didnt get to see his mommy cos she's in the air con room. hahaa. this was the first show we went.
the zebra prints are really so pretty!
the leopards look slack enough. they've been sleeping and sleeping. nahh perhaps sometimes half awake. i think cos they dont have to hunt anymore?
B made some sandwiches! :D thank you so much! we ate tog before the second show starts. its abt the rainforest and we saw monkeys duckies rabbits..
I really love gg to the zoo!
In total, I went for 3 shows, the polar bear, rainforest and sea animals which includes the seal, penguins and some others.
The price was quite reasonable. $25 each pax for entry + any shows + tram ride + boat ride. Actually the tram and boat rides are not that necessary. but can give it a try though.
Hmm, I really enjoyed my day and the last time I visited the zoo was more than 10 years ago? haaha.. When I see the animals and the unique features, how they survive using all they have, I'm awed by God's creation. :)
shy || 3:54 PM